Dear Jenny,
I wrote to you some time back about my son, Jack. I just want to say a huge thank you for your amazing break through in dealing with Osgood Schlatters. in the end, we continued the treatment for another 2 months, because Jack felt that even though he could do the wall slide, when he just did stretches, it came back slightly. Having continued a little longer, Jack can now just do the stretches, and has also started strengthening exercises. He returned to school basketball and was very careful not to overdo anything to start with, and was very strict with himself in regards to jumps. He now feels able to play a game, and practise, and feels much stronger than ever before. He knows to continue with his exercise regime for the whole of his teenage years, and I am so incredibly grateful to you for being the only physio with such a successful remedy to control this condition.
I can’t believe how many of Jack’s friends have the same condition in different stages. He has suggested your booklet to them!
Thank you once again.
Kind regards,