Homebased OSD Treatment Manual – Testimonial

“Dear Miss Strickland I want to thank you. Our son is a very talented footballer and was always in the best soccer team of his club/ year. Unfortunately, he has been suffering from Osgood-Schlatter disease for about 3 years and has already been to the knee...
H.D and Orla – Testimonial

H.D and Orla – Testimonial

“We saw Jenny following a recommendation from a trusted sports coach. After months of nagging pain and discomfort in her left heel, Jenny diagnosed my 9 year old daughter with Sever’s disease during our first consultation. She provided clear guidance on how to...
Jane – Testimonial

Jane – Testimonial

I first came across the Strickland Protocol when searching online for a cure for Osgood Schlatters for my then 11 year old daughter who did gymnastics but was in so much pain she wasn’t able to continue with the sport she loved. As her mum (and also her coach as I am...

CB – MCSP, Chartered Physiotherapist – Testimonial

Just wanted to say – great result with a 13 year old patient of mine who had a right OSD of knee for 7 months – Within 4 sessions – covering 4 weeks he is back to all competitive sport – he is delighted! Many thanks again,  Best wishes CB MCSP, Chartered...
AF – Testimonial

AF – Testimonial

Here is a photo of my daughter in her hockey kit with recovered knees. She is now playing competitive hockey – PAIN FREE – for the first time in about 3 years.  She can’t believe it.  We are all so grateful to you for your protocol and your time and...
The Strickland Protocol: Cures Osgood Schlatter's Disease in an average of 3 weeks Buy Now