May 12, 2014 | Cure for Osgood Schlatters Disease, Osgood Schlatters Disease Treatment
There is a lot of information about Osgood Schlatters Disease on Wikipedia. Under the treatment section you will find The Strickland Protocol, alongside the usual traditional treatment options. EG: RICE – rest, ice, compression, elevation. As Jenny explains, if...
May 12, 2014 | Childrens Health, Severs Disease
Find out more about Severs Disease by clicking here: Wikipedia – Severs The Strickland Protocol can also be used to cure Severs disease. If you are unsure go to our facebook page, and post your question...Feb 27, 2014 | Sinding–Larsen–Johansson syndrome, Testimonials
Again some lovely feedback regarding The Strickland Protocol. As Jenny works closely with many football academies, they are using her protocol so this young lad is in good hands with the physios there. The young footballer probably has Sinding-Larsen-Johanssen which...Feb 24, 2014 | Tennis, Testimonials
Thanks to Cecile for this feedback. She says “My son is now a living testimony for The Strickland Protocol! About a year ago, we purchased the digital version of your treatment manual. It went very well for our son, and a few weeks later, he was able to play...