Austin made a speedy recovery and was back playing basketball within 3 weeks


Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 11:14 PM


Subject: Son Austin


Hello Jenny,

May you have a healthy prosperous New Year !

My 15 year old son Austin had his condition in his hip/pelvis area and he was unable to begin intense conditioning, or specifically was not able to sprint at full speed to prepare for basketball season. After receiving your book we began the treatment , from his knee moving  up his quad muscle group. This was done for about a week or so until his symptoms went away during normal daily activities. We started to do light jogging and stretching, building up to more and more stretching and running under his Physical Therapist’s supervision.

The good news is that after about 3 weeks he is almost at full speed with little to no discomfort, while continuing to stretch throughout the day. So,  from my perspective this is another great SUCCESS Story for the “ Strictland Protocol “. Thank you, and our Physical Therapist Robb Jacobs is excited about adding this treatment to his practice.

Well Done,



United States

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