Again some lovely feedback regarding The Strickland Protocol. As Jenny works closely with many football academies, they are using her protocol so this young lad is in good hands with the physios there. The young footballer probably has Sinding-Larsen-Johanssen which the Strickland Protocol can be used to treat just as successfully as Osgood Schlatters.

Dear Jenny

You were my son’s saviour when he had the dreaded Osgood Schlatters a year ago. He eventually became pain free after following the Strickland protocol.

So we are turning to you again for help with patella tendonitis. Do you have a  Strickland  Protocol for this injury?

My son is near the end of his first year scholarship with a professional London football club and it is vital that his second year is as injury free as possible. Your help and guidance would be so much appreciated.

Best wishes


————–Thanks Marie. We appreciate the feedback—————

The Strickland Protocol: Cures Osgood Schlatter's Disease in an average of 3 weeks Buy Now