We had a lovely surprise yesterday when we opened out facebook page. Here is what is said:
“I wanted to share my son’s experience of osgood-schlatters which totally debilitated his ability to play hockey last season. He suffered with this in both knees for 6 long months and every time he went out to skate he was in so much pain. We tried other alternate therapies including use of pharmaceuticals. A reknowned physio clinic in our area told us he just needed to do things in moderation and they discharged him from their care. He would try to return to play however could not keep up to the pace of the game and wasn’t playing like his usual self. We felt his pain and thanks to one of his coaches who spoke of a physio in a smaller centre who treated children suffering from osgoods using Strickland method.
Skeptical initially, we tried it and removed him from activity for 3 weeks an began the Strickland protocol. Thank goodness we did it !! It was an answer to our prayers! My son has recovered and is painfree. I have a HAPPY active boy again!
Jenny Strickland, a BIG heartfelt thank-you!”
Thank you so much Emma. It really means a lot to us when people take the time to give us feedback.
Check it for yourself by clicking our Osgood Schlatters Facebook Page